Love uncovered
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I did not want to be kissed,
I longed to be kissed
I hid my heart from thee,
feared I never would be
Not to be held and not be missed,
nor held thru times of unbearable loss
Silently drifting away so that none would see,
Yet you listened intently,
you rescued me
I told the stories of loved ones lost,
i saw your soul so much like mine
Regretting what I was called,
i love your name with mine combined
Yet you listened and shared the pain,
i reached for the Comforter and you came
I beheld your eyes so kind,
our love beautiful and blind
I drank your love like wine, and forgot all.
i drank your love like wine and cannot quit
I forsook love so long with this blame,
till it conquered me and laid its claim
Your love, a soft warm blanket covering me,
hugging, kissing so fervently
No longer feeling cold, ashamed,
in newness anointed, in thee named
Creating warmth in my cold heart,
comfort in courage to once again start
Simple again, to be kissed by thee.
soft, tender warm, affectionately